Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dylan's Sick

Dylan ran a fever on Sunday (highest was 102 around 9am) and seemed kind of puny.

When I woke him up Monday morning, the fever was gone and he said he felt good. I let him go on to school. When I picked him up, he seemed puny again so I took his temp. It was only 99 but I went ahead and gave him some Tylenol because he said his head hurt. He actually asked to go lay down (totally rare for Dylan, especially when it is nice outside). I checked on him an hour later and his temp was 104! His body was radiating heat and he was just miserable. I couldn't give any more meds (it had only been 1 hr since the tylenol!). The fever stayed high all night, no matter what we did to break it. Unfortunately, this type of high fever is not abnormal for Dylan (otherwise I would have taken to the ER since his temp was so high). He threw up a couple times to.

When I woke him up Tuesday, his body wasn't has hot and the fever was down to 100. He was begging me to let him go to school. It was only a half day (fall break this week) and they were having a doughnut party. I told him to try getting up and taking a bath and then we'd see how he felt after that. Unfortunately, by the time he made it to the bathroom, the vomiting started again. Needless to say- there was no way I was sending him to school. Instead, I made him a doctors appointment.

So, it turns out Dylan has a sinus infection and a stomach virus. Dr. gave him an antibiotic and some another med for the nausea. Looks like Dylan will be spending his Fall break recooperating :-(

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