Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas for Cedie

Today we brought Cedie her December flowers and the Christmas tree we made for her. After we spent time at her site, we attended a candle-light service at the funeral home. The service was really nice. It was particularly tough on us because this is our first Christmas without her and the service was held in the same chapel that we had her visitation. The sermon was helpful though so I was glad I stuck it out. The pastor told us about how great Heaven was. He also told us how time in Heaven moves much slower than it does here. He said for our loved ones, we are meeting them very soon, within minutes or hours, not the years we actually go through here. It was comforting for me to think that for her, mommy will be there to hold her really soon, like I did every day she was here on earth. At the end of the service, everyone held a candle (including Dylan) and a singer sang Silent Night. The funeral home gave us a glass ornament shaped like a bell with her name and "2005-2007" etched in it.

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