Monday, June 23, 2008

Our Florida Vacation

We left for Florida on Saturday, 6/14. Once we checked into the hotel, we drove over to Ft. Walton and met cousin Forrest and his fiance April for dinner on the beach. They had a playground so as we sat talking Dylan played in the sand and on the playground until it was almost 10!

On Sunday, we went to see cousin Jimmy's new house and then we went to Uncle Dan's for a day on the farm! Dylan loved seeing the donkeys, cows, quail, pigeons, and baby bunnies. We took the four wheeler and went to Dan's creek. That night we cooked out and enjoyed visiting with everyone.

On Monday, Cedie's birthday, we spent the day with just us three at the beach. We bought Cedie a balloon and let it go at the beach. We ate lunch at a restaurant on the beach. The night as we were walking back to the hotel after dinner, we saw a rainbow! Dylan said it was from Cedie.

On Tuesday we went to Big Kahunas Water Park in Destin. Dylan said it was the most awesome day of his life. Although this was his 1st time at a water park, he was ready to try everything. We all three had a blast. That night we ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant near our hotel.

On Wednesday we went to Ft. Walton Beach. Jimmy's wife Jessica met us there with their two little girls, Emily and Katie. We all had fun. We bought Dylan a hermit crab, which he named "Danny" that morning. Danny went to the beach with us. At lunch time the 3 of us + Danny went to "The Crab Shack" on the beach for lunch. Dylan kept telling the waitress that they could NOT have Danny! LOL! After lunch we walked along the Ft. Walton Pier. We saw two adult dolphins and a baby dolphin. I tried taking pics but with the camera delay, I missed every time! That night we met all of Chris' family for dinner at a nice seafood place.

On Thursday, Chris and Dylan went with Uncle Dan to look at some hunting land and run some farm errands. I went with Aunt Linda to a little city just inside Alabama to do some Antique shopping. I found a couple angel pieces for Cedie's garden. Late that afternoon we went by cousin Kevin's house to see his new race car (he is a race car driver). Then we went to dinner near the hotel.

We drove back to Memphis on Friday. We had to go home, change cars, load the four wheelers and re-pack our suitcases with clean clothes because we were leaving first thing Saturday morning for Savannah, TN for Grant's birthday camp-out.

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