Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Lil Man's Growing Up

I'm not sure when it happened, but my lil man has grown up. Instead of cartoons, he now wants to watch Teen Choice Awards, High School Musical, or Josh & Drake. Mommy can still get kisses, but only when no one is around to see. We need a new type of backpack (he just got a new one before school started) because "all his friends have the one strap backpacks". He doesn't want a toy for Christmas- he wants an IPOD or a cell phone! He still sleeps with his "Lucky Bear" and his sister's pink dragon, but he doesn't want any of his friends to find out.

The whole 1st grade thing is probably what is really freaking me out. I never realized how big a jump it is from Kindergarten to 1st grade! We now have graded papers- not just papers with smiley faces and such. We now have to homework 4 nights a week instead of once a week. And spelling tests! He has his first spelling test tomorrow- 14 words! We have been practicing all week.

They really do grow up fast, don't they??

1 comment:

Crystal M. said...

Yup they grow up fast but I am thinking now they grow up faster then they need too. When I was 6 I still wanted toys I don't know why they want to grow up so fast, I wish I was 6 again, much less to worry about!!
Hugs to all,

Crystal and Eva