Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Camp Good Grief Meeting

Tonight we attended the meeting for Camp Good Grief. This is Baptist's version of Methodist's Camp BraveHeart, although I am assured that they are different but equally beneficial.

Camp Good Grief will not start until the end of July (a couple weeks before school starts).

While the adults filled out the paperwork (and there was tons of it) and learned more about what our children will be doing, the children got to meet each other and play games. They learned two of the camp songs and got to play with the therapy dogs.

This camp is for children only so I won't be attending with Dylan this time. However, it sounds like he will have lots of fun and hopefully it will be as beneficial to him emotionally as the first camp was.

On the way home, he sang me his new song about Cedie. He is such a sweet brother.

1 comment:

Crystal M. said...

He is an awsome brother, I know one day he will also be an awsome father. He is just so sweet and kind.
God bless Dylan and his big heart!!
Crystal and Eva