Saturday, June 9, 2007

Last day at Camp Braveheart

Today, all Chris, Dylan, and I all went to camp.

Dylan got a new teddy bear, a blanket, a backpack, and a book. He also got a t-shirt that his new friends signed. He got his counselor's phone number (the one he knew from LeBonheur) and a promise that she would come babysit him sometime.

We had a nice memorial service. Everyone got a heart shaped balloon to write a message to our loved one on. They read "the Next Place I Go". Then they called each family forward and we released our balloons. After all the families were called, they said a short prayer and then they sang a song about angels. It was all so beautiful (and very emotional).

We ended camp with a pizza party. I exchanged numbers with Dylan's friend's mom so that they can continue to play with each other. I think it is great that Dylan now has a friend, his age, who is facing the same sadness as he. I am so grateful to have met the mother as well. The dad and Chris also got to meet today and they seemed to get along well.

I just want to express how great this camp is. It has helped so many families these past 8 years (like us) and I hope they will be able to continue this awesome program. It is an invaluable tool for these young children (and their adults) who have had to go through these terrible losses. If anyone here locally ever finds themselves in a position to help a charity, this is a great one!

1 comment:

Crystal M. said...

WOW that made me cry just thinking about how emotional that would be. Ever since I had Eva my emotions are over the top, I cry at the drop of a hat now a
You are all so lucky to have been able to be there and meet new people. Yesterday we released a balloon asking for prayers for Caleb, I wanted to also send a balloon to Katie and Cedie at the walk in April but I didnt get a chance to get the balloons, I do plan on still doing that and i am sure it will be at next years walk.
God bless you all,
Crystal and Eva