Monday, May 7, 2007

Our Weekend

We had a great weekend!

Friday night, Dylan got to go to Lucy Elementary school's carnival with Meemaw.

Saturday morning, I had the big sale (see separate post on that). Dylan and Chris had a 8am T-ball game. Pirates did an awesome job and won again! Go Pirates! Late Saturday afternoon, we three went to visit "Aunt Rachel", "Uncle Tre", Grant and Tatum. We cooked out steaks and had a great time. We went over there to watch the race but it was rained out so we watched a movie instead.

Sunday, Dylan and Chris went four-wheelin' and I went to get my hair cut and colored (thank you again, mom!). Sunday night, I got to go downtown to MusicFest with my sister to see Daughtery (thanks Aunt Kim, Uncle Jim, and Dalton for the tickets!). We had a fun time.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like everyone had something fun going on!

Crystal M. said...

How lucky are you to see Daughtry!! He is so awsome.
Crystal and Eva