Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cedie's Birthday

The closer it gets to June 16th, the sadder and madder I get. I should be making plans for my little girl's 2nd birthday party! I had already picked out, back in December, what the theme was going to be and what presents I was going to get her. She was supposed to have Tinkerbell themed party and for her present we were going to change her room from the baby theme to a really cool Tinkerbell theme that had alot of purple and greens in it.

Now instead, I have to contemplate on what to do on that day to make it easier for us to cope with our loss. That's just not fair.

I had heard somewhere about the idea of buying toys to donate to the hospital in honor of her. It sounded like a great idea but as the day draws near, I don't know if I can go through it. I may just have to donate at another time.

I have signed Dylan up for a grief camp that is put on by LeBonheur (the hospital that took care of Cedie for so long). It is the week before her birthday (June 7-9/ Thurs. - Sat). I was just going to go on Saturday (they have a special memorial service that day). However, the way I've been hurting lately, I have decided to take advantage of their adult activities/counseling on Thursday and Friday as well.

Anyway, please pray for us as we make it thru this time.
And don't feel bad if you call and I don't want to talk about this with you. Sometimes I just can't deal with it and need to distract myself with other things.


Unknown said... don't know me..and I don't know you..I've come to read your blog via Mighty Max's blog...
Having lost a child myself, I can understand how you are feeling...not exactly of course..because your loss is different than mine...but the bottom line is ....we have lost children...
take it one day at a what you can when you can..and when you can't cope with the best you can...
after 16 has gotten better! I love life and laugh and have fun without the guilt....but it was a one day at a time journey believe me!
Hugs to your family from mine...
Jaye Greene

Crystal M. said...

I wish I had word to say but I don't, I don't know how you feel but just try and take it one day at a time and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. I think about you and Cedie a lot and wised I could have met her she is so sweet and beautiful.
We love you all,
Crystal and Eva

Amy, Mike and Ben Russo said...

I don't know what to say to help, so I thought i would just tell you that we are thinking and praying for you all. Cedie will always be remembered and loved - and her time on earth touched so many people.